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AI Takes Bite Out of Dental Slide Misses by Assisting Doctors
Article's Summary:
Pearl, a West Hollywood startup, provides AI for dental images to assist in diagnosis. It landed FDA clearance last month, the first to get such a go-ahead for dentistry AI. Dentists can then review the AI findings and share them with patients to facilitate informed dentist-patient discussions about diagnosis and treatment planning. The startup’s FDA application showed that on average Pearl AI was capable of spotting 36 percent more pathologies and other dental issues than an average dentist. The entrepreneur decided to pursue AI for dental radiology after talking shop on a visit with his dentist.
Article's Keywords: 'bite', 'dentists', 'dentist', 'assisting', 'pearl', 'patients', 'misses', 'doctors', 'ai', 'opinion', 'treatment', 'xrays', 'dentistry', 'dental', 'slide', 'takes'

Welcome ‘In the NVIDIA Studio’: Celebrating Extraordinary Artists
Article's Summary:
That’s what NVIDIA Studio is — an ecosystem of creative app optimizations, GPU-accelerated features and AI-powered apps, powered by NVIDIA RTX GPUs and backed by world-class Studio Drivers. Our new ‘In the NVIDIA Studio,’ blog series celebrates creativity everywhere by spotlighting 3D animators, video editors, photographers and more, every week. By partnering with creative app developers, the NVIDIA Studio ecosystem regularly gives Habezai-Fekri new tools that help her create faster. Check back In the NVIDIA Studio every week to discover new featured artists, creative tips and tricks, and the latest NVIDIA Studio news. Follow NVIDIA Studio on Facebook, Twitter and Instagram, subscribe to the Studio YouTube channel and get updates directly in your inbox by joining the NVIDIA Studio newsletter.
Article's Keywords: '3d', 'habezaifekri', 'artists', 'celebrating', 'textures', 'creative', 'substance', 'welcome', 'creating', 'art', 'extraordinary', 'nvidia', 'work', 'studio'
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